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(Man, I really need to get some actual pictures for these newer posts…)
The majority of my scores on MuseScore are now available to listen to on!
I plan on posting the audio for the scores on there from now on (since MuseScore makes it impossible to export from the app to the website without this step), so if you want to just listen to all of them without looking at the score for whatever reason, now you can! Fair warning though, most of the pieces are using MS Basic midi sounds since they were dumped straight from MuseScore, and don’t sound that great as a result…BUT now that I know that I’ll be exporting audio out ahead of time, I’ll try to clean them up a bit more before posting. Just wanted to get the word out there!
Maybe when I’m able to get enough equippment of my own, I can start ACTUALLY recording these things irl instead of relying on computers! On that note…does anyone know where I can get my hands on a decent vocoder? I’m trying to experiment with something…