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I mentioned this at the end of my MuseScore post, but i am finally in the process of getting my scores published! I only have one right now (“One-Winged Angel” from Final Fantasy 7), but eventually I plan on getting as many of my arrangements as possible from MuseScore to a different site where I can actually sell them. It may take a while, since I’ll have to sift through all of my eligible scores and make sure they’re all playable, but I’ll get there eventually lol.

Here are the links to the music! https://www.sheetmusicdirect.com/en-US/se/ID_No/1497157/Product.aspx https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/en/product/one-winged-angel-22717214.html (also i will replace the placeholder images eventually lol)

4/15 UPDATE: Another score has been published! A shorter, updated version of Jishou Mushoku is now live! Here are the links: https://www.sheetmusicdirect.com/en-US/se/ID_No/1516486/Product.aspx https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/en/product/jishou-mushoku-22740017.html

Since this version is pretty different from the version on MuseScore, I will keep the old one up (unless something happens and i have to take it down for some reason). But if you plan on playing it at all please consider purchasing the published version I am but a poor musician lol