Deca Sports Decomp Project (Deprecated)
Working on decompiling a Wii game
How I got the idea for this is a long story, but I am going to attepmt to decompile Deca Sports. This idea came from me wanting to replace textures in the game but not really knowing how, and it turned into a reason to teach myself Assembly code! Also, getting experience with programs like Ghidra will be useful for me in the future. I haven’t started yet (gotta love having a full time job that stuff takes a lot time in the day haha), but any progress I make on the project will be put in this post. Stay Tuned! (Also, if anyone out there would like to help out on this project, please let me know!)
UPDATE - 8/30 After trying to initially set up the game with Ghidra, I quickly ran into a problem where I didn’t know what language to set it to, and I couldn’t find anything helpful online. So until I (or someone else) manages to figure out what that setting should be, I will unfortunately have to put this project on hold indefinitely.