My Musescore account
Most of my arrangements normally just go straight to MuseScore, so here’s the link if you want to check those out: Keep in mind that with the exception of Coconut Mall, I made most of these knowing that I could get away with a lot simply because I knew no one was planning on performing any of these pieces anytime soon (for example, constantly forgetting to fix steel pan range issues until AFTER I post the music). If you are interested in playing any of my arrangements in the future, please let me know! I’d be more than happy to make stuff more readable if needed haha (I definitely had to do that for Coconut Mall…)
UPDATE: I’m going to start publishing my arrangements (i actually already have One-Winged Angel up on sheetmusicplus!), so I’m going to start in order of my oldest scores and start moving them to sites like sheetmusicplus. As they get published, i will probably have to make them private or remove them from MuseScore unfortunately, just to avoid accidentally causing any legal issues. But any pieces that I’m not able to publish (and maybe a couple that are performing relatively well on there) will continue to stay on MuseScore! Thank you everyone for all of the support!