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This is a game I made for a final project for a Java class I took a while back. The game is on my GitHub if you’d like to check it out: https://github.com/Gmon20/GuessTheCharacter/tree/main (WARNING: game was made back when I didn’t know the difference between Java Swing and JavaFX. Also it’s a little janky lol)

UPDATE: If you want to see the other random stuff I’ve made since, then, here’s a link to some of them: Randomized DnD Character Creator: https://github.com/Gmon20/Random-DnD-Character-Creator Rip off Blasterball: https://github.com/Gmon20/Great-Value-Blasterball Random Button: https://github.com/Gmon20/random-button

Figured it would be easier to put them here instead of making an entirely new post since they’re not anything huge.